発言数 0
03:08:32 + kairi_ (kairi_!UserID@2405:6587:b220:3a10:e1a5:cc67:9d36:2bfd) to #ぱそ
03:13:06 ! kairi_ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
04:07:04 ! ponzz (Quit: Leaving...)
04:30:36 + C-Tail_vz (C-Tail_vz!ctl@p6e43a91b.miygnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
05:44:04 ! akiraani_ (Quit: Leaving...)
06:53:04 + akiraani (akiraani!akiraani@KD111239155081.au-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
11:03:03 + akiraani_ (akiraani_!akiraani@KD111239155081.au-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
11:05:00 ! akiraani (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
12:55:46 + ponzz (ponzz!ponzz@pl36227.ag2525.nttpc.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
15:01:04 ! kairi (Quit: See you...)
16:35:21 ! aba[AWAY] (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:17:47 + aba[AWAY] (aba[AWAY]!aba@softbank126045142098.bbtec.net) to #ぱそ
20:09:40 + V-zEn_S6 (V-zEn_S6!v-zen_s6@ to #ぱそ
21:56:30 ! V-zEn_S6 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
21:58:37 + ash_ (ash_!ash@61-27-158-107.rev.home.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
22:01:08 ash_ -> M41A_Amne
22:45:39 + V-zEn_S6 (V-zEn_S6!v-zen_s6@ to #ぱそ
23:22:42 ! V-zEn_S6 (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)