発言数 0
00:04:23 + akiraani_ (akiraani_!akiraani@KD111239155081.au-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
00:06:51 ! akiraani (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
04:11:59 + C-Tail_v_ (C-Tail_v_!ctl@p03dd69.miygnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
04:12:06 ! C-Tail_vz (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
04:29:18 ! ponzz_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
07:27:13 ! porchasw (Quit: Leaving...)
08:11:05 ! kairi (Quit: See you...)
08:13:02 + kairi (kairi!UserID@2405:6587:b220:3a00:bdf4:7ce7:524:2122) to #ぱそ
15:38:14 ! kairi (Quit: See you...)
20:19:11 + porchasw (porchasw!hato@p1258002-ipoe.ipoe.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
20:19:11 + porchato (porchato!hato@p1258002-ipoe.ipoe.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
20:19:53 ! porchasw (Quit: Leaving...)
21:43:34 + kairi (kairi!kairi@2405:6587:b220:3a00:2d5c:fffb:1df0:3222) to #ぱそ
22:08:29 + ash_ (ash_!ash@61-27-158-107.rev.home.ne.jp) to #ぱそ
22:09:27 ash_ -> M41A_Amne