発言数 0
00:02:07 EM_5 -> EM_0
01:04:51 ! max_ (Quit: Leaving)
01:16:28 EM_0 -> EM_15
01:23:19 EM_15 -> EM_13
01:29:12 Chikae_8 -> Chikae_7
01:29:25 EM_13 -> EM_3
01:29:32 CLOSE_8 -> CLOSE_7
02:10:20 Chikae_7 -> Chikae_6
02:10:27 CLOSE_7 -> CLOSE_6
02:14:18 EM_3 -> EM_0
02:44:18 EM_0 -> kumo
02:44:25 Chikae_6 -> entyu
02:44:25 CLOSE_6 -> AROE
03:24:20 ! entyu (Quit: Leaving...)
03:50:34 ! kumo (Quit: Leaving...)
04:00:02 ! AROE (Quit: Leaving...)
04:36:24 ! bluenight (Quit: Leaving...)
22:15:36 + kumo (kumo!kumo@w0109-49-134-81-53.uqwimax.jp) to #BARマーリン
22:32:56 + curou (curou!curou@IMMfb-05p1-238.ppp11.odn.ad.jp) to #BARマーリン
23:56:33 ! kumo (Quit: Leaving...)